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DATED: January 1, 2025


The District is committed to providing equitable access to all Coloradans pursuant to HB24-1454, § 24-85-103(2.5), C.R.S., and 8 CCR 1501-11 Governor’s Office of Information Technology Rules Establishing Technology Accessibility Standards. As required our ongoing accessibility effort works towards the day when all District services, programs, and activities are accessible, providing equal access to information and services to all.

To that end, and as required, the District is providing a progress-to-date report as stated below that has prioritized, evaluated, and remediated to continuously improve every digital touchpoint within our services, programs, and activities.

For the quarter beginning January 1, 2025 the District makes the following report: 

1.                  Accessibility Scan of Digital Services and Content.

The District conducts technology accessibility scans of the District’s website content against applicable Technical Standards and is keeping results of the scans on file.

2.                  Progress on Remediation of Digital Content. 

All the documents that will not be replaced in the next 3 months have been remediated for a cost of $7.   

3.                  Goal to Reach Full Compliance Under the Rules. 

The District has a plan in place with a goal to have all digital content remediated by July 1, 2025.







Website Accessibility Compliance Report


Reporting Period: December 2024

Compliance Snapshot

Number of pages scanned: 19

This website currently has 19 pages that are accessible to the public. All of these pages were scanned and evaluated in preparation of this report.

Pages in the process of remediation: 0

This website currently has 0 pages that require remediation to meet full compliance.

View your list of pages that require remediation  

View your list of focus areas for remediation  

PDFs in the process of remediation: 20

This website currently has 20 PDFs that require remediation to meet full compliance.

Videos in the process of review for closed captioning: 0

This website currently has 0 videos that require review to meet full compliance.

Accessibility Progress Snapshot

Number of pages remediated this month: 0

Throughout this month, 0 pages on this website were fixed.

Number of images remediated this month: 0

Throughout this month, 0 images on this website were fixed.

Number of PDFs remediated this month: n/a

Throughout this month, 0 PDFs on this website were fixed.

Accountability Snapshot

Website Accessibility Officer: Debbie Braucht

Telephone: (970) 926-6060

About this Report

The scores reported on this page are compiled using various open-source scanning technologies, including Lighthouse. Note that perfect scan scores do not quarantee a perfectly accessibility site for every type of disability.

Notice Disclosure to Potential Buyers.pdf

3rd Qtr Progress Report





The District is committed to providing equitable access to all Coloradans pursuant to HB24-1454, § 24-85-103(2.5), C.R.S., and 8 CCR 1501-11 Governor’s Office of Information Technology Rules Establishing Technology Accessibility Standards. As required our ongoing accessibility effort works towards the day when all District services, programs, and activities are accessible, providing equal access to information and services to all.

To that end, and as required, the District is providing a progress-to-date report as stated below that has prioritized, evaluated, and remediated to continuously improve every digital touchpoint within our services, programs, and activities.

For the quarter beginning October 1, 2024 the District makes the following report: 

1.                  Accessibility Scan of Digital Services and Content.

The District conducts technology accessibility scans of the District’s website content against applicable Technical Standards and is keeping results of the scans on file.

2.                  Progress on Remediation of Digital Content. 

All the documents that will not be replaced in the next 3 months have been remediated for a cost of $539.   

3.                  Goal to Reach Full Compliance Under the Rules. 

The District has a plan in place with a goal to have all digital content remediated by July 1, 2025.


Website Accessibility Compliance Report


Reporting Period: September 2024

Compliance Snapshot

Number of pages scanned: 19

This website currently has 19 pages that are accessible to the public. All of these pages were scanned and evaluated in preparation of this report.

Pages in the process of remediation: 0

This website currently has 0 pages that require remediation to meet full compliance.

View your list of pages that require remediation  

View your list of focus areas for remediation  

PDFs in the process of remediation: 32

This website currently has 32 PDFs that require remediation to meet full compliance.

Videos in the process of review for closed captioning: 0

This website currently has 0 videos that require review to meet full compliance.

Accessibility Progress Snapshot

Number of pages remediated this month: 0

Throughout this month, 0 pages on this website were fixed.

Number of images remediated this month: 0

Throughout this month, 0 images on this website were fixed.

Number of PDFs remediated this month: n/a

Throughout this month, 0 PDFs on this website were fixed.

Accountability Snapshot

Website Accessibility Officer: Debbie Braucht

Telephone: (970) 926-6060

About this Report

The scores reported on this page are compiled using various open-source scanning technologies, including Lighthouse. Note that perfect scan scores do not quarantee a perfectly accessibility site for every type of disability.

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2nd Qtr 2024 Quarterly Progress Report .pdf